Friday, March 26

Little Alannah

Little Alannah is one of the little babies I get to photograph every month.. she is getting so big! She was sooo cooperative.. it was warm, but there was a little chill to the air, but she let me photograph her even though she was getting cold! I pose her all sorts of ways, and she almost never cries!

Funk Family

This family was a blast to photograph.. five boys! Well, their mom decided to let them wear rubber boots and let loose in our creek. And did they have fun... took mom a while to scrub the mud out of their jeans, but it made for some great photo opportunities!!

Thursday, March 18

Sweet Baby, Six days old

What a sweet girl, sure to cause baby fever among many (including myself.. he he)! Once we got her sleepy, she just let us move her around all sorts of ways! Another thank you to my sweet friend Jackie who knitted me the little wrap she is sleeping in so soundly (and who is happily knitting several requests I have for her.. how blessed am I??? ) Enjoy!

Sunday, March 7

Baby Georgia!

Sweet little "Jaja" is one of my favorite babies to photograph. Her and my son are very close in age, and i've had the privilege of photographing her since she was two months old! She is just gorgeous, and Ilove her! Here is just a sneak peak of a few of her photos...

Tuesday, March 2

Sweet Lucas and Maya!

I had the best time photographing these little guys! I get great giggle out of the little man, and they both have such big, beautiful eyes!

Monday, March 1

Little Man is Almost One!

Little Man is almost One! Can't believe it.. where does the time go? I Love, LOVE, LOVE this stage, but i'm also sad that he's not a little baby anymore! And he sure keeps me busy! I remind myself everyday to cherish every moment because they are so fleeting... Love you Weston!
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